2 Responses

  1. kimmomof4boys
    kimmomof4boys at |

    I deal with this too. I choose to trust my spouse with something important to me, I get let down, take back control and then feel guilty for taking back control. I vacillate between controlling, releasing control but feeling like a victim and almost always feel bad for not trusting as I would want to be trusted. I believe communication is key. Accepting the fact that we don’t share the same goals, and choosing what to need and ask for based on that, not using the outcome as a means to judge. I find myself assuming that he is in my head, I know he is not and need to remember to be more clear of what I need, no assumptions.

  2. Kenya
    Kenya at |

    This is a HUGE issue for me in my marriage. He makes it abundantly clear how important keeping his word is, in general and to literally everyone he gives his word to EXCEPT me and the kids. If he can’t, forgot, or just didn’t feel like it it’s no big deal and acts as if he has absolutely no idea why I’m upset or how I could feel the way I do. It’s not just big or important things either…it’s anything…big and small. After ten years I honestly don’t feel I can trust that he will absolutely come through for me and do what he said he would EVER. Say what you mean and mean what you say might as well be some ancient Chinese proverb that’s completely alien to him. That’s how he acts anyways.


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